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Our very own Brian Tetlow was a guest presenter for 10 weeks on ABC Radio Canberra’s ‘Afternoons with Paula Kruger’.

Below are the first 5 weeks with Brian talking about everything Wills!

For Brian’s discussions regarding Enduring Powers of Attorney click here.

Week 1 – Introduction to Wills

An introduction as to why you might need a Will in the first place as well as how to go about creating one.

Week 2 – Children Under 18 and Your Will

Things to consider if you’re making a Will as a parent of children who are under the age of 18. This can also apply to grandparents wanting to provide for their underage grandchildren in their Will.

Week 3 – Assets You Can Gift in Your Will

Assets that can be left to someone through your Will as well as problems that can arise while doing so.

Week 4 – Assets You Can’t Gift in Your Will

Assets that might not form part of your estate and therefore may not be able to be gifted in your Will.

Week 5 – Superannuation and Your Will

Superannuation can be a large asset for many people, here are some considerations to help you decide how to deal with it in the event of your death.

For further information or to chat to ‘the man himself’ please contact Tetlow Legal on 02 6140 3263 or mail@tetlowlegal.com.au