Tetlow Legal is operational and continuing to assist our clients, please read this notice.

COVID-19 Update

Tetlow Legal is operational and continuing to assist our clients We are currently conducting appointments both in person and via teleconference or video conference. Our staff can provide assistance for you to join a telephone or video conference if you are having... Read More

Announcement – November 2014

It is now nearly 5 months since Tetlow Legal commenced practice following, as many of you are aware, 9 successful years with my partners at Tetlow Tigwell Watch. I am pleased to announce that Emma Bragg has joined me as an Associate in the practice. Emma is a very... Read More

Welcome to the first newsletter from TETLOW LEGAL

Your needs in 2014 and beyond, as clients or referrers of legal services are more different now than ever before. As lawyers we must be able to respond to change and adapt. For me that is to focus only on what you’re most skilled in and passionate about and stick to... Read More