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Surcharge Taxes and Trusts Which Own Real Property

This article is relevant to you if: You have a Discretionary Trust which currently holds residential property in NSW, or which may own land in the future; orYou either currently have a Testamentary Trust Will or are contemplating having a Testamentary Trust Will in... Read More

Commercial Rent Relief & COVID-19

On 12 May 2020, the Leases (Commercial and Retail) COVID-19 Emergency Response Declaration 2020 came into effect in the ACT. This instrument gives legislative effect to the Mandatory Code of Conduct previously announced by National Cabinet. It applies to leases... Read More

Market Rent Review For Commercial Leases

In most commercial leases, rent will be increased yearly as part of a ‘Rent Review’. A Market Rent Review is one method of calculating this increase. For Landlords and Tenants alike, rent reviews are an important consideration in negotiating the initial terms of a... Read More

Exercising an Option on a Lease

What is an Option? Standard in many commercial leases, an ‘Option’ is a clause in the lease agreement which grants the tenant the ability to renew the tenancy for an additional term or terms. Ordinarily the lease will include certain restrictions on when... Read More