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What a Shareholders Agreement can do for you

Shareholders Agreements can be vital for your business. In this article we discuss what they are and what they can do for you. Our topical case study William, Kate, Harry and Meghan have a very successful company that makes and distributes royal crockery called Young... Read More

An Introduction to Company Powers of Attorney

For those who run a business or trust where a company structure is involved, having a company Power of Attorney can be an essential estate planning tool. Have you considered what would happen to your company if you, as one of the directors (or worse, the sole... Read More

Commercial Leasing – Bank Guarantees vs Bonds

When commencing a lease it is usual practice for commercial landlords to require tenants to provide a form of security, with the intention of ensuring performance of the tenant’s obligations under the lease. Predominantly this security will take the form of either a... Read More

Introduction to Franchising

What is a Franchise? Think McDonald’s, Marriot Hotels or Anytime Fitness. A common business structure, a franchise is a relationship under which one party (the ‘franchisor’) provides the right to use its business name, and to sell or distribute its business’s goods or... Read More

Purchasing Commercial Premises

Buying a commercial property (such as a warehouse, office building or retail space) can be tricky. Unlike transactions involving residential property, the selling and buying of commercial premises does not provide the same level of protection to buyers. Buying a... Read More