Tetlow Legal is operational and continuing to assist our clients, please read this notice.

Seasons Greetings!

Our office will be closed for the following period: 5:00pm Friday 21 December 2018- 8:30am Wednesday 2 January 2019 All our best wishes for the coming year, Brian Tetlow, Emma Bragg & the Tetlow Legal team Read More

Tetlow Legal Staff in Odd Socks to Stomp Out Stigma

In 2018 we donned our brightest and gaudiest odd socks to help raise awareness of the stigma around mental health – ‘because anyone can have an odd day.’ Awareness of mental illness in the workplace is important to help reduce the stigma that surrounds mental health.... Read More

Tetlow Legal in Doyle’s Guide 2018

Congratulations to Brian, Emma and the Tetlow Legal Team Tetlow Legal is pleased to announce that we have been ranked in Doyle’s Guide 2018 as one of only three First Tier law firms in the ACT for Wills, Estates and Succession Planning. Brian Tetlow and Emma Bragg... Read More

Brian’s Top Travel Tips

Holidays, Life and Other Enjoyable Things   January is certainly the time when my thoughts turn to summer holidays at the beach. I also tend to use this time of the year to plan my future vacations. Among my most memorable trips, was one Penny and I took to the... Read More

Off-The-Plan Class Action

It has recently been announced that a Class Action is being mounted against a number of ACT property developers who may have incorrectly included GST in the purchase price of off-the-plan residential units. Investigations into the potential claim are ongoing. The... Read More

Verification of Identity

For the benefit and protection of our clients, Tetlow Legal applies the Verification of Identity Standards for all legal transactions, including the release of documents from our safe custody facility. We require all clients to be identified prior to transactions by... Read More